Sport fasten for more energy
Do you feel lethargic, over-tired and totally over-stimulated? Do you enjoy working out, but can you not urge yourself to actually do it? Are others always with you? Then it really is time to pay attention to yourself by means of sports fixes!
What is sportfasting?
When sporting for Health Holidays you follow a juice cure where you sport three times a day. The juice fastening ensures that your body is completely cleaned. The sports will make you feel fit again. These two parts together we call ‘sportfasting’.

The result of sportfasting
The combination of juice fastening and sports supports each other in all areas. By exercising regularly, you put the lungs, the heart and all muscles at work to free you from blockages in your organs, tissues and energy management. Your blood now has the chance to make more red blood cells, which in turn provide a better oxygen supply to all organs. The sportfasting ensures that you will feel comfortable again, negative thoughts and listlessness will disappear and you will be buzzing with the new energy when you get home from this sportfasting trip.
Sports fast without chemicalsupplements.
In contrast to other programs with sport fasteners, you can take a juice cure without chemical supplements at Health Holidays. Our juices consist of freshly pressed fruit and vegetables and offer you all the nutrients you need. You also have enough vegetable protein to ensure that you keep your muscles and enough carbohydrates to keep you feeling well. After all, you want to enjoy your well-deserved vacation.
To lose weight
On average men lose one kilo and women half a kilo per day. The most important thing, however, is that your body is cleaned from the inside and your organs can function optimally again.

Your Health Holiday arranged down to the last detail
With more than 35 years of experience in sports fast, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Our Dutch-speaking guidance ensures that you get the most out of yourself and at the same time get the tools to continue to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Continuously improving your health, that is our goal. Of course it is always exciting to take on such a challenge, but you will certainly not regret this.
You do not have to arrange anything else, because the flight also includes the fare. More than 80% of our guests travel alone. Sport-fasting with Health Holidays is therefore a very suitable holiday when you can not find a travel companion or just want to go on a trip independently. We are also members of ANVR, SGR and the Calamity Fund, which gives you assurance and guarantee.
Meet friends for life
Do you want to keep your health up and running during your holiday, meet new people or simply continue to exercise fanatically? Then sportfasting at Health Holidays is also a very good choice! You stay in a beautiful environment and follow the sports program within a group. At the same time you have all the time for yourself and there is no obligation. Everything is allowed, nothing has to be done during sports fast.