The detox and the exercise programme
When you book a spectacular welfare holiday with Health Holidays, you will receive extensive documentation on the detox and the exercise programme. We will of course guide you prior to and following completion of your holiday with a build-up and wind-down period.
Upon your arrival at the airport of your destination, our shuttle bus will take you straight to your accommodation. After you have arrived at your accommodation, you will be given a tour and will get to know your fellow juicers as you enjoy a complimentary juice.
You will be interviewed straight away by our dedicated Dutch-speaking staff in order to inform them of your medical background, mental health and ultimate goals. During the interview, your blood pressure and heart rate will also be measured, and you will be weighed. By doing so, we can offer you the personal attention you need.

Relaxation is also essential during the detox. The programme has been composed in such a way that you will have sufficient time to relax. You can do whatever you want; nothing is mandatory.
Tip: book a massage!
A massage costs €65 per hour and €40 per half hour. In addition to pure relaxation, a massage has physiological effects. It is good for the circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system. As a result, waste products are removed more rapidly and fluid retention is prevented. A massage stretches and relaxes your muscles, makes them more flexible, increases their range of movement and aids in the recovery of injured muscles.

The daily programme
- The day begins with a jog. Depending on your physical condition, you may walk during your jog, or do Nordic Walking, interval training, or running.
- Afterwards, you will receive a glass of lemon juice diluted with water.
- After 15 minutes, you will enjoy a delicious, freshly-squeezed fruit juice consisting of three different fruits.
- After the juice, it will be time for the body shape session. Body shape consists of muscle relaxation exercises such as aerobics, yoga or pilates. The body shape session concludes the morning programme and afterwards, you will have all the time in the world to relax and enjoy your well-deserved detox holiday.The turbo juice, consisting of tomato juice, will also be ready for you in a thermos. You can spread it over your free afternoon and take it with you to, for instance, the Day Spa, the golf course or the beach.
- Later on in the afternoon, you will receive an aqua training session. The aqua belt makes you weightless, which allows you to train your muscles better and more easily. You can also do exercises that would otherwise be made impossible by gravity.
- In the evening, you will receive a freshly-squeezed vegetable juice consisting of three different vegetables.
During juice times, our staff will provide you with information and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Apart from this, you may drink unlimited amounts of water and herbal tea throughout the day.
Prices & Booking
Would you like to book our detoxcure with sports program? View one of the destinations below and book via the page Prices & Booking: