If you have a busy job with little free time, or if you are going through a difficult period, it can be hard to stay fit and healthy. A Health Holidays trip takes you away from your stressful lifestyle and gives you the opportunity to recharge your batteries. You will finally get a chance to clear your head and relax, making you feel fitter and more alive! During your Health Holiday, you will cleanse your body, improve your health and generate new energy.

Exercise three times a day
On your Health Holiday, you will exercise three times a day. The day begins with a walking workout, followed by a bodyshape class and aqua jogging in the afternoon.

Four juices a day
On your Health Holiday, you will have four freshly squeezed juices a day. You can also drink as much water and herbal tea as you like.

Plenty of time to relax
You will also have enough time left to relax and make the most of your well-deserved holiday.
Health Holidays is celebrating its 40th anniversary!
Book your Health Holiday for 2025 before April 1st and receive a €40.00 anniversary discount on your travel sum!
Have you taken a Health Holiday before and are you planning to go again in 2025?
When you go with a new guest, you will receive a € 50.00 discount per new guest!
Regular customer discount
If you depart to Portugal again within 12 months after your previous trip, you will receive a discount of € 100,00!
Please indicate in the comment in the booking whether you are entitled to the promotional and/or regular customer discount.
We will then immediately process this on your booking confirmation / invoice.
What is included in your booking?
Flight (for Portugal optional)
Transfer (you can add this in Step 2 of the booking)
Stay in your chosen room type
Sports programme with professional English-speaking staff
Generously filled, healthy goody bag for your return journey
What else is included?
Member of
We are affiliated with ANVR, SGR and the Calamiteitenfonds (Emergency Fund), so quality is guaranteed. Booking a holiday with our organisation is therefore a sound choice
Carbon-neutral on holidays
As a travel organisation, we take responsibility for minimising our carbon footprint. That is why we cover the costs of the carbon offset for your trip and you pay nothing extra for this. Read here which other sustainable adjustments we have implemented within our organization.
Story's Catherine Keyl went to Portugal for juice fasting!
She did not only lose eight centimetres in stomach circumference and the necessary kilos, she also felt reborn. “My body went into a resting mode.” Read the full articleLibelle visiting Turkey
Writer Stella Bergsma left for a detox trip to Turkey and takes with her: a hangover and a good dose of distrust. But then: "I came, I juiced, I conquered.” Read the full articleJournalist Jan Dijkgraaf went on a juice cure holiday to Fuerteventura...
When his wife confronted him in the bathroom with the blubbering truth, the switch had to be made. Journalist Jan Dijkgraaf went on a health holiday to Fuerteventura. Does a man survive at all, a week without eh.... almost everything? Read the full articlehInterview in Amsterdam XXXL
Ambassador Claudia Schoemacher and editor Jimena Rico from the magazine Amsterdam XXXL interviewed our manager Nicole van der Sligte in Portugal. What, according to her, should never be missed during a Health Holiday? Read the full articleWhy is a Health Holiday good for me?
When you participate in the juice treatment and sports programme of Health Holidays you will benefit demonstrably for a longer period of time. Many kilos of weight loss and unnoticed stopping smoking and / or other addictions is a pleasant by-product. Read more